銃を抜く 1の英語
- 1. draw a pistol
2. jack out
3. pull out a gun 銃を抜く 2
draw a gun〔ホルスターから〕
- 抜く 抜く ぬく to extract to omit to surpass to draw out to unplug
- 銃を抜く draw a gun
- 抜く 1 1. bleach out 2. pull out 抜く 2 【他動】 1. draft 2. pull 抜く 3 pull ahead
- 拳銃を抜く have one's gun out
- 早く銃を抜く〔~より〕 【他動】 outdraw
- 素早く銃を抜く pull out a gun quickly
- 手を抜く 1 1. cut corners 2. not really try 3. save (one's) trouble 4. scamp (one's) work 5. skimp one's work 6. take second best 手を抜く 2 【他動】 scamp 手を抜く 3 cut corners on〔~するのに〕 手を抜く 4 get lazy about〔~の〕
- 栓を抜く 1 pull out the plug 栓を抜く 2 pull the plug on〔~の〕
- 気を抜く 1 1. let grass grow under one's feet〔grass の直前に the が付くことの方が多い〕 2. let one's mind drift 3. make flat 4. relax one's attention 気を抜く 2 【動】 lower one's guard
- 群を抜く 1 1. be above the common herd 2. be of towering stature 3. be outstanding 4. come out on top 5. distinguish oneself 6. excel others 7. lead the pack 8. rise above the common herd 9. rise out of the cr
- ピンを抜く 1 withdraw a pin ピンを抜く 2 【他動】 unpin
- 度肝を抜く 1 rock socks〈俗〉 度肝を抜く 2 【形】 boggling 度肝を抜く 3 1. give someone a scare 2. give someone the fright of his bloody life 3. scare [frighten] someone out of his wits [mind, life, senses, skins] 4. scare
- 度胆を抜く 1 1. dumb found 2. shiver one's timbers 度胆を抜く 2 bowl out〔~の〕
- 染みを抜く 1 1. eliminate smudges 2. get [take] a spot [stain] off [out] 染みを抜く 2 remove a stain (from)〔~から〕
- 白髪を抜く 1 pull out a white hair 白髪を抜く 2 pluck someone's gray hairs〔人の〕